Webers in Rwanda: June 2024 Missions Update
Dance practice!
In March 2023, we sent out Ben and Cherie Weber—and 6 of their children—as missionaries with our sister diocese in Gahini, Rwanda. Their role is to strengthen our mission partnership and relationship with our sister parish through Friends of Gahini! Each month, they send an update of their ministry work and life as a family adapting to a new culture. If you’d like to receive their monthly updates to your inbox, you can sign up here!
June was a busy month for the Weber family—Ben and Cherie celebrated 16 years of marriage, Ben preached for the first time at a local parish (Kahi Parish), and the family spent a week doing a TCK (Third Culture Kid) Debrief together to help process the challenges of living in a different culture. You can find praises and prayer requests below, and read the whole update with more photos and details here!
June 28th was International TCK (Third Culture Kid) Day.
SAMS gifted us a virtual TCK debrief to help us all process together the highs and lows of living in a different culture.
Our office has furniture! We take turns working in the office and it has been a game changer.
We found guardians for Mae while she attends school in Kenya!
We had a good debriefing week as a family and a refreshing weekend in Kigali.
16 years of marriage and we still like each other!
Prayer Requests:
July is our last full month with Mae before she goes to RVA at the end of August. Please pray that we are able to make good memories. Also pray for us as we prepare.
The local kids finished school this past week. We are looking forward to spending more time with them this month. Pray that we are able to minister to them well.
August will be a very busy month, please pray that we prepare well in July.
Financial Update
Currently, the Webers are about $800 short per month. If you’d like to become a financial partner with them, or if you’d like to increase your gift, please click the button below or visit their Giving Page.