We like to keep you updated with everything that’s going on here at Redeemer! So, each week we film a pastoral update video and send out our Redeemer Weekly email. We also share updates and exciting things going on throughout the week on our Facebook and Instagram pages. You can check out our calendar for a fuller schedule of events, but here on our RedeemerNOW page are the major things we think you should know about now!

1st Annual Celebration, June 2nd

In the past, we've had annual meetings in the evenings, but this year we want this time to be more than a meeting—it should be an opportunity to come together as one worshipping, missional community to celebrate all that the Lord is doing in our church. And so, we are so excited to announce that we'll be having our first Annual Celebration on Sunday, June 2nd!

We will start that day by worshipping with ALL of our services together at 9am, then we will move into our annual meeting and celebrate what the Lord has done in the life of Redeemer. We’ll then enjoy a potluck lunch together and continue the celebration fun with bouncy houses, sweet treats, and more! (Childcare and children’s classes will be available during both the worship service and meeting).

This is going to be our largest internal event ever so plan on arriving early (as early as 8:30am) to park, check in yourself and your children, drop off your potluck dish, and settle in to worship!

There are more details in the link below and please register to help us make preparations for the day!

Rogation Procession & Feast, May 15th

Every year, in the week before Pentecost we spend time in prayer for God to bless the work of our ministry (known as Rogation Days). We invite you throughout the week before Pentecost to be in prayer for Church of the Redeemer to be empowered by the Holy Spirit in all of the work we are doing. But specifically we want to invite you out for a Rogation Processional on Wednesday, May 15th at 6pm. around the property. We will say prayers of blessing around the various areas which represent all aspects of our church's ministry. Afterwards, we will have a potluck dinner together in the Greenhouse.

Hiring: Executive Assistant to the Dean

Are you passionate and gifted in administration and organization? Do you strive to create a welcoming and hospitable environment for those around you? If so, you could be our next Executive Assistant to the Dean! The Executive Assistant to the Dean serves as an extension of his ministry, represents his office, brings appropriate leadership to entrusted areas, participates in strategic planning, and works for the health of the church’s ministry, staff, and the Dean. To learn more about the position and apply, click the button below!

RYM Fundraiser at Brixx Pizza, May 9th

Redeemer Youth Ministry is partnering with Brixx Pizza (Westover Terrace location) to fundraise for Camp Booyah! On Thursday, May 9th from 11am-10pm, a portion of your purchase will help students get to camp next month ($4 for every adult entree, $1 for every kid’s meal will be donated to RYM).

IMPORTANT: Click the button below for a flyer that you will need to show at Brixx so that the proceeds of your purchase go towards RYM’s fundraiser.

Always Forward Church Planter Training, May 13th

Always Forward, the church planting initiative which our very own Dean Dan helps to lead, will be holding their Church Planter Training Intensive here at Redeemer from May 13-16! You're invited to join on Monday, May 13th, for the opening session at 4:15 p.m. to learn more about the biblical and theological foundations for planting. Then stick around after the session for cocktail hour in the Greenhouse at 6 p.m. and get to know some of the church planters!

If you plan to join, please register at the link below by Thursday, May 9th, so we can plan on having enough goodies for our cocktail hour!

Anglicans for Life Baby Shower, Apr. 7th-May 12th

Redeemer is participating in AFL’s World’s Largest Baby Shower starting Sunday, April 7th. Each Sunday until May 12th (Mother’s Day), the AFL will have a table to collect items for babies and new mothers. Donations can include items such as diapers, wipes, cribs, strollers, toys, blankets, gift cards, etc. Donations will support The Pregnancy Network and The Family Life Center of High Point.

Join a Care Team: Handy Helpers & Mercy Meals

Our Care Team is recruiting people to help provide assistance to folks in need! Are you strong or handy with tools? Join Handy Helpers! Enjoy whipping things up in the kitchen? Sign up for the Mercy Meals team! We'd love to have you join to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this way!

Whenever a need arises, whether it’s for some physical assistance or a meal for someone who's sick or has welcomed a new baby, these teams will receive an email letting them know about the need, and whoever is available to help can respond (being a part of one of these teams doesn't mean you're signing up to help every time, it just let’s our pastoral care team know you’d like to be involved).

If you have any questions, please reach out to our pastoral care resident, Ana Howland.

Stage Renovations & Altar Furniture Fund

We are looking at doing some much needed updates to the front of the sanctuary for safety, beauty, and functionality. We are rebuilding the stage, and building a new pulpit and credence table. We expect the cost to be around $10,000-15,000. If you would like to contribute towards this to help meet this need, you can give online below or through cash or check (just be sure to designate the donation under “Stage Renovation”).