We believe Jesus still reaches out to hurting, oppressed, sick, and captive people and makes them whole. Our prayer is that Jesus will make you and those whom you love completely healed in body, mind, emotion, and will.
How can we pray for you?
Prayer Requests
During our time of communion on Sundays, our prayer ministers are available to pray with you—simply look for the “Prayer” banners on either side of the sanctuary.
Our prayer team is also available to pray for you whenever a need arises during the week— simply click the button below to submit your prayer request.
Make a Prayer Appointment
Sometimes a more extended prayer time is needed to fully hear your story, hear from the Lord, and pray more deeply into your situation or healing. A prayer appointment is an in-depth, private, personal prayer (usually about 90 minutes) led by our trained prayer ministers and is focused on your wholeness and freedom in the Lord.
Hospital/Home Prayer Visits
If you or your loved one are homebound, in the hospital, or under convalescent care, and you'd like for our clergy or prayer ministers to come pray with you in person, please note that in the prayer request form.
Prayer requests are confidential and are only viewed by our prayer team.
Praying Together
Worship & Prayer Night
On the 3rd Thursday of the month beginning at 7pm, we gather for a Worship & Prayer Night in our sanctuary where anyone is welcome to come, spend time in reflective worship, and receive prayer from our prayer ministers.
Intercessory Prayer
On the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at 7pm, we gather to pray together in the Upper Room (located in the upstairs offices above the sanctuary) to pray over our church, its ministries, leadership, and congregation.
An Anglican Understanding of Prayer
The Anglican Church draws on rich Christian traditions to build our faith, actions, direction, and spiritual formation. Following the model of the Acts 2 church, we believe strongly in discipleship, community, and prayer. Plus we find corporate worship, liturgies, and prayers from hundreds of years ago to be powerful and enriching to our walk of faith. These things also center us to the historic reality of who Jesus is and our connection to faith through the ages.
Much of our prayer at Church of the Redeemer is drawn from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is a collection of scripture readings and written prayers that help us as modern Christians connect with our historic Christian faith. You can learn more about the BCP here.
If you have any questions, or are interested in joining our prayer team, you can reach out to Rev. Zach Croonquist.
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