What is Redeemer Gives all about?
Our God is freely generous. He has given us himself as well as every gift and resource that we have. And as his children, he calls and empowers us to follow him in this way. It’s for this reason that one of our core values at Redeemer is to be freely generous. So, through this Generosity Commitment, we're intentionally committing to this very value: taking on our God's generous heart so that we might be a part of welcoming even more people into his family.
Through Redeemer Gives, we want to commit to generosity together in three specific ways: tithing, sacrificially giving, and serving.

The Lord calls his people to be a part of sustaining the day-to-day ministry of his church by tithing. The current national average for tithing in the American church is 2-3%, but we believe the Lord has called us to something greater than this average. We understand a tithe to be 10% of all that the Lord gives or enables us to earn, given to the local church. It’s an honor to be invited into the Lord’s daily work in this way, and we want to commit together to being a part of it!
Tithes and offerings being collected at our sister church in Karangazi, Rwanda!
We believe that God invites us to give even beyond our tithes. As a part of this, we want to challenge our community to give sacrificially to this Generosity Campaign portion of Redeemer Gives, propelling our church toward financial sustainability and budget bandwidth for growing our many ministries.
We are currently working to raise $1,450,000 by the end of 2025 in order to finish paying for the property that we have purchased here at New Garden Park.
Why is paying the mortgage off important?
It would save us over $2 million in interest
Our operating budget cannot currently afford the $100,000/year mortgage payments
We want to plant churches! Part of this includes the ability to financially support a church plant, which would be around $50,000/year.
We are growing - and more specifically, outgrowing our modular children’s building. We need to start taking steps now to plan for how we expand our children’s, youth, and classroom spaces.
What is the current status of the campaign?
$750,000 received in gifts/pledges
81 households participating (out of 230 total)
The loan is a balloon note that changes April of 2026, which would necessitate either a pay-off at that time or re-financing.
How do we finish strong?
Option A) $700,000 more by April 2026
$2,350/year ($196/mo) for 2 years from each non-participating household
$1,522/year ($127/mo) for 2 years from all households
Option B) $200,000 more by April 2026 - making the mortgage payment affordable for budget
$671/year ($56/mo) for 2 years from each non-participating household
$435/year ($36/mo) for 2 years from all households
Drone footage from 2021
If you have questions about giving, you can reach out to our Executive Director, Jessie Meriwether.

Whenever we think of generosity, it’s easy for our minds to just go towards financial generosity, but another important God-given resource we have is our time! There are so many different ways we can contribute to the work of God’s kingdom here at Redeemer by serving, both on and beyond Sundays! Whether it’s running slides or playing with toddlers in the nursery during the service, or hosting college ministry students or harvesting peppers at the Farm during the week, there are parts for each of us to commit to playing!
Generosity Sermons
Throughout our initial launch month of the campaign, we spent time in a sermon series entitled Freely Generous, in which we looked at the generous heart of our God and the ways in which he calls us to be like him. You can find these sermons, as well as other past sermons on generosity, right here!
Glimpses of Generosity Video Testimonies
We spent some time asking a few Redeemer folks about how they understand generosity and how they’ve experienced it throughout their lives. Check out what they shared with us here in these Glimpses of Generosity!