Discipleship Groups
Fall Discipleship Groups have launched!
If you weren’t able to join a group for this launch, we will be starting another round of discipleship groups in March.
Watch this video to learn more from Dean Dan and Pastor Zach about why we believe discipleship groups play an essential role in the life of a Christian.
How are groups formed?
Already have a group of 3-4 people? Do you need to be assigned to a group?
When the next launch opens, you’ll simply fill out the form that most fits your situation. If you already have a group, you’ll select a point person to fill out the form. If you need to be assigned to a group, you’ll fill out a form asking about your availability, general location, and your preferred curriculum, and will be placed in a group that most closely fits those responses.
Discipleship groups are single gender groups of 3-4 people that meet together weekly for about 90 minutes for the purpose of discipleship, that is, growth into Christlikeness.
Each group sets its own meeting schedule. If you don’t already have a group, we’ll help pair you up with people who have shared availability and live close to you but it’ll be up to y’all to find the day/time that works best for you. Discipleship Groups usually meet in group members’ homes, occasionally in a coffee shop, and, if needed, a space at the church. Again, that is up to the group to decide.
There are two ways to get plugged into a discipleship group.
1) Invite 2-3 other people from church to be in a group with you! Once you have a group of 3-4 people, fill out the “I Have a Group!” form.
2) Fill out the "I Need a Group!" form which will ask for your zip code and general availability and we’ll do our best put you in a group with others in your area who have shared availability.
Discipleship groups are not the same as “community groups” or “small groups” that you might see in other church contexts where a group of believers gather for fellowship and engage in any Bible/book study of their choosing. Rather, discipleship groups at Redeemer are more directed/narrower in focus. Discipleship groups have an intentional focus on becoming like Jesus, growing into the life he’s given us, and doing what he did. More specifically, for Redeemer in this season, it looks like apprenticeship to Jesus via crafting a Rule of Life.
Just because these groups aren’t properly called “Bible Study Groups” or “Fellowship Groups” doesn’t mean you won’t study the Bible or enjoy fellowship with one another–of course you will! Your participation in a discipleship group will involve study of the scriptures, deep fellowship, rich discussion, prayer, and other spiritual disciplines. However, the overarching theme of these groups is synthesizing and rightly ordering all these things together to support your relationship with the Lord and growth into the new life he offers.
A "rule of life" is a schedule and set of practices and relational rhythms that help us create space in our busy world for us to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what he did—to live “to the full” (John 10v10) in his kingdom, and in alignment with our deepest passions and priorities.
While the word “rule” may strike you as a strict or binding constraint, the Latin word we translate “rule” was originally the word for a trellis in a vineyard. In the same way a vine needs a trellis to lift it off the ground so it can bear the maximum amount of fruit, and keep free of predators and diseases, we need a rule as a kind of support structure to organize our life around “abiding in the vine,” (John 15v1–8) as Jesus imagined.
It’s been said that we achieve inner peace when our schedule is aligned with our values. A rule of life is simply a tool to that end. Rather than a rigid, legalistic to-do list, it’s a life-giving structure for freedom, growth, and joy.
Discipleship groups can choose between two different studies. The first option is called Growing into Jesus’ Life (the same curriculum we offered last year for the Discipleship Groups Pilot). It is written by retired Anglican priest, Fr. Geoff Chapman and draws deeply on the work of the late Dallas Willard, a 20th century philosopher of religion known for “making eternal living concrete.”
The second option is called Practicing the Way created by John Mark Comer, a pastor and spiritual formation luminary whose best-selling books have made complex theological ideas accessible and appealing to 21st century audiences. Both studies focus on discipleship to Jesus via a Rule of Life.
Right now, we are sticking with a year-long commitment with only about 36 weeks of content/meeting time. In other words, once formed your group will commit to be together for a calendar year (e.g., 52 weeks) but the expectation is that you only meet about 36 of those weeks. In other words, there are 16 weeks (or 4 months) built-in for “off weeks” (e.g., holidays, travel/vacation, summer, sickness, etc.).
The Discipleship Group Kick-off is on Thursday, September 26th 6:30-8:00pm in the Sanctuary. We’ll gather for a time of fellowship and prayer (light snacks and beverages provided), hear the vision for these groups and discipleship overall at Redeemer, and receive the materials you need to start the study. You’ll also have a chance to meet with your group to schedule your meetings and get to know each other.
Yes, you are welcome to attend the kick-off if you’re on the fence about doing a group! You’ll be able to hear more about the groups and get any questions you have answered.
You have until Monday, September 30th to decide if you want to be in a group. After that, you’ll have to wait until the next Discipleship Group Kick-off.
Our next Discipleship Group Kick-off will be on Thursday, March 27th 6:00-8:00pm in the Sanctuary.