Redeemer Kids
Upcoming Kids Events, News, & Announcements

As our church keeps growing, we need more people to come serve our children. Please consider joining this good work! Click here to begin our volunteer screening process!

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the service to check your children in and bring your child's tag to their classroom when it's time to pick them up!

Come browse our Grove library! If you have any used books to donate, we are still on the hunt for more books!
Mission Statement
At Church of the Redeemer, we desire to nurture each child’s spiritual formation from before birth. We believe it is our role as their faith community to help support families as they walk with our children through each stage of life.
We tailor experiences in worship, education, and fellowship to the individual developmental needs of the child in order to cultivate an understanding of God’s profound love for them.
We are also committed to the safety of our children and so adhere to our diocese’s Policy & Manual for the Protection of Children which you can find here.
Seedlings and Saplings Nursery
On Sunday mornings at 9 and 11 a.m. we have our Seedlings nursery available for little ones from birth-23 months old and our Saplings nursery for ages 2-3 yrs. old. On the way into church, you can check your kids in at the entrance and drop them off in their nursery classrooms as early as 15 minutes before the service. During the passing of the peace you’ll be dismissed to pick up your children so they can return to celebrate Communion with us.
Children’s Liturgy on Sundays
We offer Children’s Liturgy on Sunday mornings for children ages 4 through 5th grade. They will begin the Sunday service with their families and then will head to their classroom in the Grove after the opening worship songs. There we welcome children into a hospitable and safe environment where they are able to worship, pray, and study God’s Word together while building relationships with others—all in a way which mirrors worship in the sanctuary in a way that is fun and interactive for our kids. Our mission is to fulfill the promise of “We will!” at each child’s baptism—committing to do all in our power to support these children in their lives in Christ. Parents will pick them up during Passing of the Peace to finish the service with their families.
As Jesus has said, “the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” So no matter what age your child is—5 months, 5 years, in 5th grade—they aren’t required to be in nursery/liturgy and are welcome to remain in the sanctuary service if they would prefer to worship in that way!
An acolyte is one who assists, a helper, an attendant, a shadow—a disciple. For as long as people have been worshipping in churches, there have been acolytes who prepared these sacred spaces and assisted the clergy before, during, and after the services. The word acolyte comes from the Greek word for follower – akolouthos. Acolytes are part of the worship team – the clergy, musicians, lay Eucharistic ministers, readers and intercessors – who together with the entire congregation join in worshipping God.
Children and youth in grades 4-12 are invited to become acolytes at Redeemer. They will be trained to assist the deacons and priests during the worship services in carrying the cross, serving communion, and assisting in other important duties. For more information, email Karen Alger.
Weekday Children’s Catechesis Opportunities
In addition to Children’s Liturgy on Sundays, we also offer other opportunities and classes for children’s catechesis for ages 3-10 yrs. at different points throughout the year! We host stand-alone events throughout the church calendar year—such as a Last Supper re-enactment before Easter or a wreath making workshop during Advent—and we regularly hold classes during our Wednesday night Connections sessions in the fall and winter/spring.
In our New City Catechism & Choir class, we seek to teach and instill theology in a fun, kid-friendly way! We go through the New City Catechism for Kids together—a resource designed specifically for kids to learn the core doctrines of the church about who God is and what he has done. We also learn to use our voices to praise God together and share his goodness with others through choral songs!
In our other Children’s Catechesis classes we employ methods from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, which is a unique approach to the spiritual nurturing of young children. It is a Montessori-based methodology that recognizes the inherent spirituality of all people regardless of age. These Catechesis classes are different than traditional “Sunday school” classes typically are in which adults teach a lesson. Instead, for these classes we have volunteers who have been specially trained Montessori-style and who share in the spiritual journey of the children as they learn how much they are loved by their Good Shepherd.
Jessica Ronnevik
Children’s Ministry Director
Karen Alger
Children’s Liturgy Director
Anna Lynch
Nursery Director