Staff & Clergy

Parish Staff

The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Alger


The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Alger, Dean

Dan was instituted as Dean of Redeemer in January 2022. As Dean, Dan serves as the equivalent of what many people think of as the “Senior Pastor” of the church. He gives oversight to the doctrine, worship, vision, community, and mission of the church.

Dan is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill in Interpersonal and Organizational Communication, earned his Masters from Trinity School for Ministry, and his Doctor of Ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary with a concentration in church planting. His first book, entitled Word and Sacrament: Ancient Traditions for Modern Church Planting was published in May 2023.

Dan also serves as the Canon for Church Planting for the Anglican Church in North America through which he leads Always Forward, an initiative which seeks to encourage and equip church planters throughout the US, Canada, and the world.

When not at the church you may find Dan covered in saw dust in his woodworking shop or watching the Tar Heels play. Dan is married to Karen, and they have two sons: Eli and Silas.

If you would like to schedule time with Dan, you can email his executive assistant, Anastasia Howland, here.

The Rev. Jared Wensyel

Assistant Rector

The Rev. Jared Wensyel, Assistant Rector

Jared was ordained as a priest in August 2022 and is currently serving as our assistant rector. He has a passion for serving and equipping people to find their role in the Body of Christ and grow more and more as they follow Jesus, which he is able to do well in overseeing our community and worship.

Jared lived in Germany for six years working as an intern at a church plant in Frankfurt, Germany while also going to seminary at the Giessen School of Theology (Freie Theologische Hochschule). Germany remains near and dear to his heart, alongside of long walks, hanging out at the park, coffee, craft beer, deep political or theological discussions, and the Cleveland Browns. While not originally hailing from North Carolina he is very thankful for the good weather and North Carolina BBQ.

He has been happily married to Abbi since 2013 and they welcomed their daughter Theadora (Thea) in April 2021.

Jessie Meriwether

Executive Director

Jessie Meriwether, Executive Director

Jessie oversees the operations and finances for New Garden Park: Parish, Park, Farm and Abbey. She has a M.A. in Nonprofit Management from High Point University, has been on staff at Church of the Redeemer since 2012.

With a passion for equipping organizations for effective, efficient work she also offers consulting services for other nonprofit organizations and churches, desiring to see the flourishing of communities and the expansion of God’s kingdom. She also assists with spearheading the ongoing collaboration between senior administrators across our diocese.

She has been married to her wonderful husband Chris since 2009, and they have 3 children - Everest, Eden and Hazel. When not working or spending time with family, you can find her reading a good book or organizing something!

Get to know Jessie a little more by watching this video!

The Rev. Dcn. J.D. Meeder

Director of Next Gen Ministries & Greensboro Fellows

The Rev. Dcn. J.D. Meeder, Director of Next Generation Ministries & Greensboro Fellows

JD is passionate about seeing people of all ages develop and grow in Christ and is blessed to do that through overseeing Next Generation Ministries and directing the Greensboro Fellows Program. Before coming to Redeemer, JD served in leadership roles with parachurch ministries and non-profit organizations. JD is a graduate of Clemson University with a B.A. in Political Science and Religious Studies and is earning his Masters at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He was ordained as a deacon on January 19th, 2025.

JD enjoys spending time with his wife, Katherine and their kids, Nora and Jack. Originally from the Lowcountry of South Carolina, JD loves the smell of salt water, but has fallen in love with the Triad. You can often find him outside running, mountain biking, reading, playing with their golden retriever (Howard), and cheering on the Clemson Tigers. He would love to get coffee or a beer with you.

Get to know JD a little more by watching this video!

The Rev. Jonathan Munyakazi

Pastor of East African Service

The Rev. Jonathan Munyakazi, Pastor of East African Service

Originally from Congo, Jonathan spent 8 years in Rwanda & Kenya working as an assistant pastor and teacher overseeing youth ministry and church growth, and emigrated to the U.S. in 2008. He graduated from Gospel Garden Bible College in Kenya, and earned a diploma in Leadership and Church Growth while serving with the African Ministries Network in Rwanda. He speaks 6 languages and has worked as an interpreter with Church World Service, serving refugees in Greensboro. He currently leads our East African worship service and organizes revivals and prayer meetings in partnership with other sister churches in the area.

Jonathan is married to his wife Anastasie, and they have 6 children: Laurence, Patrick, Maxime, Angel, Jennifer, and Jasmine.

Amelia Blanchard

Worship Arts Director

Amelia Blanchard, Worship Arts Director

Amelia serves as Redeemer’s Worship Arts Director. After graduating from Wheaton College in 2020 with a degree in Christian Formation and Ministry, she moved to Greensboro to participate in the Greensboro Fellows Program. She loved Church of the Redeemer so much that she decided to stick around after graduating from the program and soon after began working on staff as part-time Assistant College Ministry Director and part-time Music Director. She is excited now to narrow in her focus as our full-time Worship Arts Director.

Amelia grew up in a family of professional musicians and has participated in a wide variety of musical and artistic ventures over the years. She grew up leading musical worship on teams with her family and has since led worship at various churches and youth gatherings across the country. Amelia is passionate about ministering to the Lord through song and comes alive creating space for people to encounter God. She loves getting to pair together her background in spiritual formation and relational ministry with her love of musical worship.

Amelia loves reading, ballroom dancing, playing games, and doing life together with friends and family.

Get to know Amelia a little more by watching this video!

The Rev. Zach Croonquist


The Rev. Zach Croonquist, Curate/Pastoral Resident

Zach began his role as curate in June 2023. As the curate there are two general components to his time and work at Redeemer. First, he works closely with and is mentored by our church’s deacons and priests (primarily Fr. Dan and Fr. Jared) to gain experience and training under seasoned clergy. Second, Zach is tasked with the general pastoral task of gathering and caring for people and souls. More specifically, Zach has a lead role in assimilating visitors and new members into the life of the congregation and coordinating discipleship opportunities for those who are eager to learn more about scripture, theology, the Anglican way, or anything else faith-related. He was ordained to the diaconate in November 2023, and ordained to the priesthood in October 2024.

Zach is also passionate about healing prayer and is delighted to come alongside you in prayer and pastoral care in whatever season of life you find yourself; he’s convinced there is nothing better than being refreshed in the Holy Spirit and spending time with Jesus, our gentle Shepherd.

Born and raised in Minnesota, Zach attended Gustavus Adolphus College, a small liberal arts college with a Swedish Lutheran heritage in St. Peter, MN. In June 2019, he graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and Religion. After a gap year serving as a missionary volunteer in Belgrade, Serbia, Zach felt the Lord was clearly calling him to further theological education and a vocation in ordained ministry. In May 2023, he graduated from Duke Divinity School with an M.Div. and certificates in Anglican Studies and Worship.

In his free time, Zach enjoys drinking coffee (bonus points if it’s at a cool local coffee shop), craft beer (especially at breweries), hiking, bingeing Netflix shows, most any activity on or around water, and spending time with friends and family.

Get to know Zach a little more by watching this video!

Jessica Ronnevik

Children’s Family Ministry Coordinator

Jessica Ronnevik, Children's Ministry Director

Jessica serves as the Children’s Ministry Director at Redeemer, championing ministry to our kids on Sunday mornings and beyond, as well as the equipping of families for their whole life in Christ. She is passionate about sharing biblical truths and ultimately the Lord's love with little ones. She has been a children’s choir director as well as a Sunday school teacher for kids from a wide variety of age groups in different churches around the country. She has also been a private violin teacher for over 20 years!

Jessica holds several degrees in music--her B.M. from Bob Jones University, an M.M. from The Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, and her D.M.A. from UNC Greensboro--and is a professional violist. Jessica also loves gardening, making kraut-chi, traveling, decorating, and spending time with family--her husband Karl and her two children Peter and Sophia.

Get to know Jessica a little more by watching this video!

Anna Lynch

Nursery Coordinator

Anna Lynch, Nursery Director

Anna has the privilege of serving our youngest in the church as our Nursery Director. She has always loved children and grew up in an environment that valued them. Whenever she walks into a room with a baby, she does her best to get a chance to hold them. She is married to her best friend, David Lynch, and together they have three kids that keep them on their toes: Samuel, Melea, and Mary. They moved here from Boone, NC in 2013 and came to Redeemer in 2014.

Anna has been working with children on and off since 2011 through Mother's Morning Out, preschool work, as well as Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) here at Redeemer since 2016. She received Montessori training for her work at Trinity Covenant Preschool and Level 1 training for CGS as well.

Anna appreciates serving our young families and getting to know our volunteer teams as well. She enjoys volunteering with her family at NGP Farm, drinking coffee, and being outside.

Karen Alger

Children’s Liturgy Coordinator

Karen Alger, Children's Liturgy Director

Karen loves to teach and create curriculum for our children in Children’s Liturgy (ages 4-5th grade)! She describes teaching as her main avenue for creative expression. Karen moved to the Greensboro area in 2019 with her husband Dan (our dean!) and two sons Eli and Silas. Karen earned degrees in Psychology and Elementary Education from UNC-Chapel Hill. Since then her family has participated with God in planting churches in Hope Mills, NC and Dacula, GA.

Karen has almost 20 years of education and children’s ministry experience, and most recently a few years of homeschooling! She is looking forward to meeting you and joining in the mission of teaching our young friends all about Jesus and His Word!

Jake Portillo

Youth Ministry Director

Jake Portillo, Youth Ministry Director

Jake Portillo serves as the Youth Ministry Director, partnering with parents in helping students take their next steps towards Jesus, to follow Him for a lifetime. He is enthusiastic about encouraging, equipping, and empowering the next generation to know and love God.

Jake has served in ministry around the world. From evangelism in remote villages off the Amazon River in Peru, to discipleship in skateparks in South Africa, Jake has served in various ministries in 13 different countries, including national and international youth ministries. He has also served as a staff member of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ.) Now, he is dedicated to serving the students at Redeemer. In addition to the global experiences he holds, Jake is currently earning his Master of Divinity at Grace Theological Seminary.

Jake is married to his better half, Shari. They met on the mission field and have been married since 2014. The Lord has blessed them with two amazing children, Lionel and Nora. Jake enjoys music of all kinds, hiking, camping, playing and watching futbol (Vamos Barcelona!), and skateboarding.

Stahr Stembel

Fellows & Next Generation Ministry Coordinator

Stahr Stembel, Fellows & Next Generation Ministry Coordinator

Stahr serves as the Fellows and Next Gen Ministry Coordinator. Originally from Tucker, GA she graduated from Berry College in 2022 with a degree in Psychology and Religion (with a Biblical and Christian studies concentration). She moved to Greensboro later that year to participate in the Fellows program and fell so in love with the city and its people she decided to stay!

Stahr is excited and honored to be stepping into this role to help Fellows grow closer to the heart of Christ. She believes that our vision of the new heavens and the new earth shapes what we do in the world. We image God as we work, play, create, and contribute to God’s good world between the “already” and the “not yet.” Her prayer is that as image bearers we might find joy in building the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Let us truly know God and enjoy him forever.

Stahr loves lots of things but at the top of this list are national parks, the local church, and learning new things. You can almost always find her somewhere outside, reading a book, playing frisbee, or spending time with her friends and family both in Georgia and North Carolina.

Laura Hendrick

Communications Director

Laura Hendrick, Communications Director

Laura is passionate about using her creative skills to glorify God, whether that is expressed through graphic design, photography, videography, or the written word. She has been attending Redeemer since the summer of 2023 and joined the staff team in 2024.

Laura graduated from Elon University in 2008, earning a degree in Communications with a concentration in Film. Unfortunately, due to the recession at the time, several post-graduate plans did not come to fruition, and she had to pursue other work for many years. However, God made a way for her to once again use the creative gifts and passions he created her for in surprising ways. Prior to working at Redeemer, she was the Training and Engagement Coordinator at Home Instead, where she facilitated various communication methods to help employees feel connected, informed, and engaged. She also served on her previous church’s Creative Team as a video editor and assisted with filming various projects. She is also a member of a global, learning community of filmmakers called The Art of Documentary. She is humbled and honored to have the opportunity to serve the Redeemer community.

Originally from Connecticut, Laura has lived in Greensboro since 2016, and she is grateful for the early springs and short winters. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, kayaking, visiting local wineries, reading, and, of course, watching movies. She has twice participated in Greensboro’s 48 Hour Film Project and created a short film for a “One Day Doc” challenge.

Anastasia Howland

Executive Asst. to the Dean

& Pastoral Care Resident

Anastasia Howland, Executive Assistant to the Dean & Pastoral Care Resident

Ana is honored to serve as both the Executive Assistant to Dean Dan and our Pastoral Care Resident. In her role as Executive Assistant, she directly supports Dan in scheduling, strategic planning, events and hospitality, and many other things. Ana is also pursuing ordination and is currently earning her M.A. in Christian Ministry while gaining practical experience as our Pastoral Care Resident. Working alongside Deacon Ashley, she coordinates care for the body of Christ at Redeemer by assisting in the leadership of Stephen Ministry, visiting with those who are sick or home-bound, and working closely with our refugee brothers and sisters to ensure they're cared for here in Greensboro and at Redeemer.

Ana graduated from Montreat College in Montreat, NC, in May 2020 with a degree in Bible & Theology and English. She first came to Redeemer in September 2020 as a part of the Greensboro Fellows Program, and later served as Redeemer's Communications Director. In 2024, she transitioned from commmunications to pastoral care, as her heart's desire is to be present with people in their sorrows and joys, sharing the love of God with them in tangible ways exactly where they are.

Originally from Massachusetts, Ana is an avid Boston sports fan and never tires of a good blizzard (she prays regularly for more snow in Greensboro!). She loves deep conversation, nature, and theology, and she would be perfectly content to spend all day sitting by a mountain stream alongside a good friend with a stack of C.S. Lewis’s works, a jar of homemade pickles, and a bottle of locally brewed kombucha. She would love to go for a walk to get to know you and hear where the Lord is at work in your life!

Additional Clergy

The Rt. Rev. Alan Hawkins


The Rt. Rev. Alan Hawkins, Bishop

After a long career in ministry that included time as a youth pastor, college minister, and church planter, Alan started Redeemer in his living room in 2008 and has garnered great joy from watching the Redeemer community start, grow, and mature.

Alan also serves in various roles for both the Diocese of Christ Our Hope and Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) as well as filling the role of Church Planting Network Leader for the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON).

On November 5th, 2021, Alan was consecrated at Redeemer as bishop coadjutor for the Diocese of Christ our Hope.

Alan has been married to his wife, Angela Kaye Hawkins, since 1993 and they have five children: Joshua, Emily, Athan, Ciaran, and Ryan.

The Rev. Drew Hill


The Rev. Drew Hill, Priest

Drew Hill joined the staff of Church of the Redeemer in 2010. He has served in many capacities: priest, associate rector, youth pastor, and worship leader. While he is still a priest at Redeemer, he also now serves as the head of school for The Covenant School. Drew is also the author of several books: Alongside: Loving Teenagers with the Gospel (winner of the 2019 ECPA Christian Book Award), When to Get My Kid a Phone, and Alongside Jesus: Devotions for Teenagers. Drew is married to Natalie and they have five children. If you beat him in a game of foosball, he'll buy you lunch.

The Rev. Sergio Sapunar


The Rev. Sergio Sapunar, Priest

Sergio is originally from Chile, South America. He began his ministry as a missionary among indigenous Anglican brothers and sisters in the rural South of Chile. After two years, he returned to Santiago (the capital), where he studied (BTh) at the Anglican Seminary. After seminary, he became an assistant pastor and later the rector of Saint John's Anglican Church. In this church, he spent nine years leading a church revitalization. After the church grew and matured, he came to the States to keep improving his theological and pastoral skills. He received a Master of Divinity and a Master in Christian Counseling from the Reformed Theological Seminary.

Sergio serves as the Canon for Ethics & Safeguarding in our diocese. He is also a Biblical counselor and serves as a leader and speaker in Caminemos Juntos, a Hispanic initiative of the ACNA.

Although Sergio enjoys theological and exegetical discussions, his passion is to make the Scriptures manageable, practical, and contingent for all people. In addition, he has a heart to equip pastors, leaders, and churches with practical theology and pastoral counseling. Sergio is married to Marcela and has two kids, Benjamin and Magdalena.

The Rev. Jeff Weber


The Rev. Jeff Weber, Priest

Jeff serves Church of the Redeemer by helping our church connect and reach the global diaspora community here in Greensboro. In addition to his work as a Priest, Fr. Jeff is the founder and Executive Director of the William Wilberforce Center for Justice and Human Rights. The Wilberforce Center serves asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants as well as providing workshops to assist the local church in developing a biblical theology of immigration and resourcing them to build bridges in order to reach the world at their doorstep. Fr. Jeff currently serves as the acting Director of Anglican Immigrant Ministries, the ACNA’s provincial immigrant ministry.

Jeff has been part of church planting teams in Russia, North Africa and North America and has trained church planters and small group leaders in such countries as Russia, Ukraine, Mexico and Morocco.

Jeff holds degrees in Greek and New Testament from Columbia International University, a Law Degree from University of South Carolina, a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary and he is currently completing his doctrinal work in contextual theology at Northern Seminary in Chicago. He lives in Greensboro, North Carolina with his wife Leigh Ann and has 5 children and 15 grandchildren.

The Rev. Dcn. Ashley Davis



The Rev. Dcn. Ashley Davis, Deacon

Ashley was ordained as a deacon in the Diocese of Christ Our Hope on St. Valentine’s Day 2020, and has been serving as a deacon at Redeemer since then. She graduated from Davidson College with a BA in English. After earning an M.Ed from Lesley College (now Lesley University) in Cambridge, MA, she taught middle school English for 6 years. She received a Masters in Religion with a focus on Biblical Studies in May 2022 from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA, and was recognized with the Greek Exegesis Award. She has a passion for deep study of Scripture and for liturgy and how both shape and form our faith. Ashley also has a special place in her heart for women in ministry and spouses of clergy.

Ashley leads Stephen Ministry at Redeemer. She also serves the Diocese of Christ Our Hope as a chaplain to clergy and ordinands. She loves to read literature and YA fantasy books, a taste she acquired both in her adolescent years and from teaching middle school English many years ago. She also enjoys needlework (cross-stitch, knitting, needlepoint, and smocking) in her spare time.

She is married to her incredibly kind, loving, and supportive husband, Kearns, and is the mother of 3 children: Anna, Zack, and Elizabeth.

The Rev. Dcn. Ryan Kildoo



The Rev. Dcn. Yousif Koly


The Rev. Dcn.
Melissa Lewkowicz



The Rev. Dcn. Melissa Lewkowicz, Deacon

In January 2024, Melissa began a new role within our diocese as a part of their Next Generation Leadership Development. As a part of this, she is also the director of Camp Booyah, an Anglican summer camp for youth which our Redeemer youth attend each year! She previously worked in children's ministry, directed an inner city tutoring program, and served as our youth ministry director for 3 years. She was ordained as a deacon at Redeemer in February 2022.

She is married to Randy and has two children who are her favorite people in the world, River and Asher.

As an enneagram seven, Melissa loves doing anything and everything with everyone and can rarely be found sitting still (except when she’s at the beach!). She likes way too much salt on her food and is a self professed dessert snob.

New Garden Park, Farm, & Abbey Staff

Mark Hastings

Facilities Manager

The Rev. Dcn. Steven Hebbard

Farm Director

The Rev. Dcn. Steven Hebbard, Farm Director

In the last decade before he joined us here at Redeemer, Steven has worked as a farmer, pastor, and educator in Austin, Texas, living and working at a tiny-house community for the homeless. Ordained as a deacon the week before COVID shut down the world, Steven has a passion to bring the Church and the poor into deeper relationships with one another. For several years Steven had found a long distance mentor in Bp. Alan Hawkins, and in 2021 this friendship led to an invitation for Steven to bring his ministry to Redeemer.

As our Farm Director, Steven is excited to be overseeing the care and growth of New Garden Farm. As a site for restorative Edenic homemaking, the Farm can become a laboratory for radical hospitality, where Redeemer members can grow in deeper relationships with God, with one another, and with the stranger in our midst.

When Steven is not casting giant visions, he is fiddling around in his organic garden and playing with mud and straw as a natural builder. Steven is joined by his wife and fellow maker, Dr. Bethany Bear Hebbard, daughter Pearl, and son Caedmon.

Hawken Sawyer

Farm Production Manager

Hawken Sawyer, Farm Production Manager

Hawken has been serving as the farm production manager at New Garden Farm since early 2023. Before coming to the farm here, he spent the last four years farming in both southwest Florida and West Africa with ECHO, an organization that seeks to empower and support small scale farmers worldwide. Hawken believes farming ushers in the Kingdom by restoring broken relationships, stewarding God’s gifts and meeting practical needs.

He studied theology at Wheaton college and loves learning more about God and allowing that to form his life. Hawken loves spending time with his wife Emily, playing soccer/ultimate frisbee, drinking good coffee over good conversation, reading fiction, and making soap.

Get to know Hawken a little more by watching this video!

Innocent Muco

East African Crops Manager

Innocent Muco, East African Crops Manager

At our Farm Innocent manages the expansion of East African crop cultivation, the harvesting and selling of the East African produce, and facilitating communication and education about the farm ministry with the East African community both in our parish and in wider Greensboro. He has been working part-time at the farm since June of 2018 and has been a invaluable member of our farm team. Since 2019, he has been piloting an East African section of our land.

Innocent is a leader in our East African worshipping community, often helping to lead worship and acting in a deacon role. He also helps design the catechesis of youth on Sundays.

Before he had to flee the Democratic Republic of Congo as a refugee, he worked as a French teacher and a farmer. Innocent is deeply dedicated to the farm and comes in the early mornings before his other job starts to help us work the land.