We desire to live out the faith that has been received and carried on by the historic Christian church throughout the centuries in ways that engage people today.
This includes a commitment to the Bible as the Word of God: that it is the truth by which we order our lives.
We also hold to the central place of Jesus Christ as the unique Son of God: that salvation is found in His sacrificial death and resurrection alone.
Our beliefs are summed up in the historic creeds of the Church—the Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds—and we adhere to the 39 Articles of Religion.
For further explanation of our beliefs and our doctrine concerning moral issues, please read the Jerusalem Declaration.

Church of the Redeemer is a part of The Anglican Church in North America, which unites more than 120,000 Anglicans and nearly 1,000 congregations across the United States, Mexico, and Canada into a single Church. The ACNA is a member of The Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON). We are led by The Most Rev. Stephen D. Wood, our archbishop, who resides in Mt. Pleasant, SC.
On a more regional level, we are a part of the Diocese of Christ Our Hope, led by our founding rector, Bishop Alan Hawkins.