
Session Two of Winter Connections is now in full swing!

Check back here later in the spring for details about Summer Connections!

What is Connections?

Connections is a time for us to come together as a community mid-week to enjoy fellowshipping, serving, and learning alongside one another.

We gather for 3 rounds of Connections each year: Winter (January-March), Summer (June and July), and Fall (September-November). During each round, we meet on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and begin with a potluck together before breaking off into groups at 6:45 p.m., where we either serve or take classes—depending on which round of Connections we’re in!

During our Summer Connections we work on our Farm together—planting, harvesting, and tidying up! For both our Fall and Winter Connections we gather for classes.

These classes can range widely in topics, from creation care to immigration to the book of Revelation. These are also when our Montessori-based children’s catechesis classes take place—these are a time for our children to grow deeper in love with their Good Shepherd. Lastly, our catechumenate classes for adults are also a part of this time, during which they study the Scripture, church history, and theology to be prepared for confirmation and membership. We are also exploring having groups meet for particular serving opportunities, in addition to our summer serving on the Farm!

We believe the Lord has given us our minds and bodies to love and serve him and his creation, so whether we are growing in knowledge by taking a course or directly serving our neighbor, Connections is a time for us to gather to do so in love together!

Any ideas for Connections courses or serving opportunities?

Would you like to initiate an idea for a course? Whether it’s focused on exploring an academic topic, reading a devotional book, or meeting to practice a spiritual discipline together, these courses are something which we love for people in our church to participate in designing and implementing. We would also love to hear your thoughts on ways in which we could be involved in knowing and blessing our community through service and relationship! Please submit ideas to our curate Zach here and he will reach out to you!