Gathered Under His Wings

A sermon from the second Sunday of Lent on how Jesus compares himself to a mother hen, who gathers us up under his wings to protect and defend us from those that would want to cause harm.

In this sermon, Deacon Ashley references the iconography of “Christ as Mother Hen”— specifically this mosaic and this piece by Kelly Latimore.

Scripture Readings: Luke 13:31-35

You can also listen to this sermon via Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

The Rev. Dcn. Ashley Davis

Ashley was ordained as a deacon in the Diocese of Christ Our Hope on St. Valentine’s Day 2020, and has been serving Redeemer since then—most recently as our Pastoral Care Director, beginning in late 2022. As a part of this role she leads Stephen Ministry at Redeemer. She also serves the Diocese of Christ Our Hope as a chaplain to clergy and ordinands.

She graduated from Davidson College with a BA in English. After earning an M.Ed from Lesley College (now Lesley University) in Cambridge, MA, she taught middle school English for 6 years. She received a Masters in Religion with a focus on Biblical Studies in May 2022 from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA, and was recognized with the Greek Exegesis Award. She has a passion for deep study of Scripture and for liturgy and how both shape and form our faith. Ashley also has a special place in her heart for women in ministry and spouses of clergy.


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