The Advent of Peace

As we learned in our recent “Exiles” series on 1 Peter, we are God’s beloved people, living as exiles in the “already but not yet” of his return. One of the best ways to look forward in anticipation of our Lord’s glorious return is to look backward and remember how he has already come to his people. That is what we’ll do in this Advent series called “Prepare the Way.” We’ll spend time in the minor prophets who foretold of and prepared the people for the coming of our Savior and what that means for us as we wait for his return.

Scripture Reading: Micah 5:2-5

You can also listen to this sermon via Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

The Rt. Rev. Alan Hawkins

Alan is the founding rector of Redeemer and was consecrated as a bishop in November 2021 of our diocese (the Diocese of Christ our Hope) in which he now serves the pastors and congregations. He also serves in various roles in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and for the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON).

After a long career in ministry that included time as a youth pastor, college minister, and church planter, he started Redeemer in his living room in 2007 and has garnered great joy from watching the Redeemer community start, grow, and mature.

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The Advent of Joy