The Advent of Hope

As we learned in our recent “Exiles” series on 1 Peter, we are God’s beloved people, living as exiles in the “already but not yet” of his return. One of the best ways to look forward in anticipation of our Lord’s glorious return is to look backward and remember how he has already come to his people. That is what we’ll do in this Advent series called “Prepare the Way.” We’ll spend time in the minor prophets who foretold of and prepared the people for the coming of our Savior and what that means for us as we wait for his return.

Scripture Reading: Zechariah 14:3-9

You can also listen to this sermon via Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

The Rev. Zach Croonquist

Zach began his role as curate in June 2023. The main goal of a curacy is to work closely with and be mentored by our church’s deacons and priests to gain experience and training under seasoned clergy. Since his curacy started, Zach was ordained to the diaconate in November 2023 and then into the priesthood in October 2024.

Born and raised in Minnesota, Zach attended Gustavus Adolphus College, a small liberal arts college with a Swedish Lutheran heritage in St. Peter, MN. In June 2019, he graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and Religion. After a gap year serving as a missionary volunteer in Belgrade, Serbia, Zach felt the Lord was clearly calling him to further theological education and a vocation in ordained ministry. In May 2023, he graduated from Duke Divinity School with an M.Div. and certificates in Anglican Studies and Worship.

In his free time, Zach enjoys drinking coffee (bonus points if it’s at a cool local coffee shop), craft beer (especially at breweries), hiking, bingeing Netflix shows, most any activity on or around water, and spending time with friends and family.


The Advent of Love


Christ the King