Seeing As God Sees

1 Sam 16:1-13

Eph 5:1-14

John 9:1-13:28-41

About the Series:

This series is aimed at helping us walk through Lent. These disciplines guide and instruct us in new practices. During this season, we hope that you are awakened to the work God wants to do in our lives, both individually and communally.

Lent reminds us that our lives are finite, that to dust you shall return. This sobering reality quickens our need for drawing close to God and participating in his divine life.

To do so, we must become aware of where we’ve fallen short, so we can see where God is calling us to. May this season be one of open examination of our hearts and lives and a turning back to God.

Judson Van Wyk

Judson is a graduate of UNC and Duke Divinity School and he serves as College Ministry Director at Church of the Redeemer and Campus Minister at Guilford College with Redeemer’s campus ministry partner, the CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach). He is passionate about helping students experience the way Christ transforms every part of our lives—work, studies, relationships, politics—and calls us into a better story.


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