Don’t Be So Adam About It!

This sermon comes during the season of Ordinary Time, between Pentecost and Advent, when we look at growing in the Lord and the ways in which we, as his church, live out the mission to which he has called us. In this sermon we focused in on the command and gift of Sabbath.

Scripture Reading: Romans 5:3-11

You can also listen to this sermon via Apple Podcasts here.

The Rev. Jared Wensyel

Jared was ordained as a priest in August 2022 and has been serving as Assistant Rector at Redeemer since then. He began working at Redeemer in 2020 as our curate, supported by Made to Flourish, a pastoral residency organization. He has a passion for serving and equipping people to find their role in the Body of Christ and grow more and more as they follow Jesus, which he is able to do well in overseeing our community and worship.

Jared lived in Germany for six years working as an intern at a church plant in Frankfurt, Germany while also going to seminary at the Giessen School of Theology (Freie Theologische Hochschule). Germany remains near and dear to his heart, alongside of long walks, hanging out at the park, coffee, craft beer, deep political or theological discussions, and the Cleveland Browns.


Serving the King


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