The Harvest Series: Martha Williams
Being new to the Greensboro area, I was eager to find a church home. Having moved into a new house, I was also looking forward to getting my garden started last spring. Little did I know how these two goals would be connected! An advertisement for a Seedling Sale at the Farm at New Garden Park this past April caught my attention, especially because their list of plants included Zephyr squash, a variety for which I had been searching. The warm welcome I received that day led me to go home and Google “Anglican,” as I had only a vague idea of that tradition. Looking at the church website, I was drawn to the emphasis on Christ centered worship combined with the Farm, the Garden, and mission to the community.
Martha and Sarah after a Tuesday morning harvest of some sorrel at the Farm at New Garden Park!
I began attending the worship service on Sundays, and then the “Discovering Redeemer” class. Because digging in the dirt is one of my favorite pastimes I was really looking forward to volunteering at the farm! This turned out, for me, to be the best way to get acquainted with the people of Redeemer. Side by side with other volunteers, I picked and packed beans, peppers, and tomatoes, sharing not only a love of gardening, but more importantly, a love of Jesus. What a blessing it was to hear what God was doing in the lives of these new friends of mine! On several occasions I worked with Sarah Charles, weeding and harvesting. We had the best time sharing about our lives, our families, and our gardens (Sarah is a wealth of garden knowledge!). Many Tuesday mornings we met to work in the garden, but also “catch up on life.” We also enjoyed working together at the Free Farmers Market. The seeds of friendship were being planted at the Farm! What a wonderful way to connect with people!
A farm is, according to one dictionary: “A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, or plants, fruits and flowers.” To that I would add: A place to cultivate friendships! I have truly seen God working in my life by leading me to Church of the Redeemer last spring. I am so thankful for this community of believers, and for the hand of fellowship which they have extended to me.
-Martha Williams