Witnesses to These Things

After Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, he spends 40 days with his disciples. On the day of his ascension to heaven, he tells his apostles that they will receive power from the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of his life and resurrection to Jerusalem and the ends of the earth. What was their early ministry like and how did God work through them to spread the gospel in their own culture and to the greater Greco-Roman world? What does it mean for us to live as present-day witnesses in the culture God has put us in?

In this first sermon for the “Witnesses” series, Judson Van Wyk (College Ministry Director) walks us through Acts 3, where Peter and John heal a lame man. As the astonished crowd's gather, they bear witness that it was only by this man’s faith and the power of Christ that he was healed. This story illustrates for us that as witnesses of Jesus, we are simply called to be a sign, instrument, and foretaste of the risen Christ.

Scripture Reading: Acts 3

You can also listen to this sermon via Apple Podcasts here.

Judson Van Wyk

Judson is a graduate of UNC and Duke Divinity School and he serves as College Ministry Director at Church of the Redeemer and Campus Minister at Guilford College with Redeemer’s campus ministry partner, the CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach). He is passionate about helping students experience the way Christ transforms every part of our lives—work, studies, relationships, politics—and calls us into a better story.


Witnesses with Boldness


Holy Week: Easter Sunday