
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

James 5:16

The Lord be in your heart and upon your lips that you may truly and humbly confess your sins: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the Book of Common Prayer 2019, “Rite of Reconciliation.”

A time for confession.


The church is called to be a confessing people, so we encourage confessing to one another as a regular practice. Some like to focus on confession in the more reflective and penitential seasons of the church year, such as Advent and Lent, but confession can be a healing and deeply restorative practice at any time throughout the year.

Throughout the year our priests will be available at Church of the Redeemer during the week to hear confession and lead you through the Rite of Reconciliation in the Book of Common Prayer (pp. 223–224). If you are interested in meeting with one of our priests for confession, you can schedule a time below!

Frequently Asked Questions

What will the confession time look like?

It’s not Hollywood. First, you will be greeted by a priest and they will cover some ground rules and explain what to expect before confession begins. Thereafter, the priest will invite you to sit in a chair next to him close to the altar facing the cross, and will begin leading you through the Rite of Reconciliation from the new Book of Common Prayer 2019 (pp. 223—224).

The Rite of Reconciliation begins with a blessing and then provides opportunity and time for you to confess “things done and left undone, especially _______________,” as well as for things you cannot remember. After a time of confession, the priest may offer counsel, spiritual direction, and comfort; they will always remind you of the promises and forgiveness of God, and offer absolution. The Rite of Reconciliation always ends with a short prayer and final blessing.

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Where do I meet?

When you arrive please enter into the church through the front doors and wait in the narthex (where the couches are). If the wooden sanctuary doors are closed, this means that someone is currently meeting with a priest, so please do not enter the sanctuary if the wooden doors are closed. You are welcome to wait on the couches in the welcome area. When ready, the priest will greet you and walk with you over to the Oratory (a small building on the other side of the sanctuary). This space will offer more privacy and a more peaceful setting for your confession.

How long will it last?

There is no set time for confession. To a considerable extent, confession is what you make of it, or more precisely, what you allow God to make of you during confession. We encourage everyone to set aside 30-45 minutes, allowing sufficient time for prayer and preparation before confession as well as time for pastoral counsel during confession.


What if I have other questions about confessing to another believer or priest?

Please reach out to Rev. Zach Croonquist or any of our other clergy here at Redeemer. We would love to meet and talk with you about the role confession can play in the shaping of your life in Christ. Grace and peace to you!